Learn by having fun
Technique and theory are learnt naturally when they are accompanied by fairy tale characters and many magic games.
Piano & Music
We learn the instrument with joy and spontaneity. We also learn with ensemble music, workshops and concerts, with the support of expert and well-known Musicians.
Music is growth and harmonious development of the person. We learn in an environment ideal for children, which favours their musical, personal and intellectual growth.
Imparare a suonare il pianoforte dai 2 anni – Vol.1
(Learning to play the piano from age 2 – Vol.1)
195 pages
Price: 32€
Imparare a suonare il pianoforte dai 2 anni – Vol.2
(Learning to play the piano from age 2 – Vol.2)
271 pages
Price: 36€
Imparare la Teoria
(Learning the theory)
SD Card / .Zip File / .PDF
Price: 42€
Order the books of the "Elena Bidoli Method" now!
ALL children can learn to play the instrument pianoforte with “METODO ELENA BIDOLI”
Method main points:
– aimed at children from the age of 2
– they learn the theory from an early age
– language fluency is not necessary
Excellent teaching:
– connection between teaching – learning according to the child’s learning pace and temperament
– empathic approach, since communicating warmly and friendly facilitates cognitive understanding
– mastering a repertoire of strategies, as they influence learning, particularly at a tender age